Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Natural High and Couch to 5K

Exercising is the best method to release all those inept anger and sucked down emotions. Not like i never knew that, but i never really think about it until it actually takes place. I find myself smiling a little wider after all my sweat sessions. I have a mentally draining job (its not easy keeping teenagers in line) and i forgot how wonderful exercise made me feel.

Pre-exercising era; I dreaded the idea of going to the gym. I was already exhausted as it is at the end of each work day. Now, i realize i was wrong all along about the idea i had stuck in my head that i would feel even more exhausted after going to the gym. Wrong. I feel amazingly content every time afterwards. It is the best ending to a long day. I sleep more comfortably and have a more easier time falling asleep. That has done wonders with helping me wake up each day for work.

Right after exercising, you get a wave of emotions, ranging from self-satisfaction to happily light-headed. Yes, there is such a thing as a natural high. No substance needed except for your two legs.

Speaking of two legs, I just started following this amazing running program. I am not much of a runner and I cannot, cannot keep up my stamina for a good hour of running. Back in my college days, I took a jogging class and by the end of year, I was able to run for an hour and lose track of time. My mother drove around in her van looking for me and asked me if i realized i was gone for more than an hour running. I felt so good, knowing that i was able to last that long. Now, that stamina is long gone but getting it back is still possible.

The program is set up in three workouts a week. The first week (which i am on now) asks you to power walk for five minutes then alternate between walking for 90 seconds and running for 60 seconds. Time flies when you do that.

Here's the link to this program:

*find the Couch to 5K program

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

a perfect example when a picture invokes a story in the mind...

Monday, January 17, 2011


I wanted to congratulate myself! I have been going to the gym since Thursday :-D however, i have not really been losing much. Yes i have been eating right. I am guessing its either my body has not adjusted or i have been gaining muscle and muscle does weight more than fat.

The most important thing is i feel GREAT!! I even feel more slimmer regardless of what the scale says! Just wanted to pat myself on the back before calling it a night.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

good afternoon...

I am currently on a novel that has yoga integrated into the plot. Imagine this, four women with each struggle of their own.. yoga is what binds them together and they find fulfillment in this. I am only in the middle of the book so I will give a better description when I finish it! :)

Tales From the Yoga Studio

by Rain Mitchell

After work, I plan to dive back into the habit of going to the GYM.. such a scary word at this very moment. Actually, not really.. I ve always enjoyed going to the gym and exercising when I do not feel lazy. Sadly, I ve been feeling quite lazy lately. The gym is supposed to help that so its kind of a catch-22 situation. I have been a member of the Genoveva Chavez Community Center (GCCC). It is an awesome gym with a pool playground and ice skating rink.

For some reason, I always find excuses to tell myself why I should decide to not go to the gym. On Tuesday, it was because tomorrow would be Wednesday which means being stuck at work until late. On Wednesday (yesterday) yeah, work finished late and I simply was "too" tired. Today, I could easily come up with an excuse but now that I am blogging, I have even more reasons to not even try to make excuses.

Wish me luck, because I AM going

Weigh- in - 187
** probably due to my oversnacking last night

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Weight - In and Meal for today

This morning, i woke up with horrible bug bites on my back and one on my cheek. No idea what bit but since I am feeling fine, I am not too worried right now

Anyway, this morning, i weighted 186.1


Breakfast: panera bread with butter-around 300 cal
Coffee - 3 cal

Lunch: Turkey loaf -256 cal
Salad with italian dressing - 200
Cookies - 280 cal

1039 total cal midday

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


PS - I will be posting my daily weight so there will be pressure on me :)

a very personal approach

yeah.. I've decided to change the topic of my blog.. obviously its because I am no longer in Florida :(. My life path has brought me here to where i am today. Currently, I am residing in New Mexico and working as a HS science teacher. My job is definitely keeping me busy!

Now for health.. So busy, so lazy. Yeah, at the end of day, i want nothing more than just laying and watching TV. No matter what people tell you, being a teacher is definitely mentally exhausting!!! I have a new found appreciation for teachers. This habit needs a big makeover.

2011. Yep, a whole new year and of course, new resolutions. I never remember any of my past few but i am pretty sure they have something to do with exercise and weight loss. I have always struggled personally with my weight. No, i am not obese. One's self confidence greatly depends on how you feel about your body. I do not feel great about mine and I KNOW I can do better. So, this is why I have resoluted to gain better focus on losing. Not only that, but to get healthier. New Year resolution -to work on myself externally so I can appreciate my inner self.

Today, my journey starts.

PS. the old blog post is just there for memories :)